Home - Hillsdale

I want Hillsdale to be Hillsdale, plain and simple. 
A unique town where you can find an affordable house, find a job, get something good to eat, go to the Farmers Markets, visit the shops and stores and take advantage of our countryside and recreational activities, for example, Bash Bish, Roe Jan Park, Taconic State Park, Catamount and those planned, the continuation of the Rail Trail and the Town Hall park.

Taking care of the local taxpayer’s money is a priority as the funds from the Federal government, and the State and County governments becomes increasing difficult to rely on receiving when formulating the town and county budgets.

Every cent counts. Overspending taxpayer money on budgets is a problem, especially when the expenditure is as a result of poorly executed projects. Not properly accounting for taxpayer funds leaves us in the dark and vulnerable.

I love living here and making Hillsdale my home. Working on the renovations to our historic house, (nearly finished) and returning it to its former glory, is for me, an accomplishment. Working with our Historic Committee and survey team on the State and National Register listings for the Historic Hamlet District and assisting my neighbors in applying for available tax credits for their renovation work is a greater accomplishment.

Many of the town’s recent achievements’ are as a result of the hard work and commitment of the volunteers on the Town Committees:

The renovation and additions to the VFW Memorial was as a direct result of the vision of talented individuals on the Hamlet Committee and a very generous donation from a Hillsdale family.

The plan for the Hamlet was paid for with grants and generous donations from town residents.

The Copake Hillsdale Rail Trail continuation Plan will soon be in the works, paid for with a large grant and public donations.

The Historic Surveys were paid for with grants and donations.

Donations received as a result of the hard work of the Historic House Tour committee are responsible for the funding of the new Historic Signs (to be installed this month),  payment to repair the Church bells, the New Town Hall Lighting and the new town wide historic survey.

The proposed installation of fitness equipment in the Roe Jan Park and the Toddler Equipment in the Hamlet park will be paid for with the donations received by the Flowers to Powers the Park Committee and other donations and grants.

I applaud my fellow committee members for all their hard work and especially our Steering Committee chair for his unfailing commitment, his advice and his hard work on getting us the grants and monies the committees need to continue their work on behalf of the town.

Please vote on November 8.